Difference Between Emerald AI 3.0 and Emerald AI 2024

Difference Between Emerald AI 3.0 and Emerald AI 2024

Emerald Al 2024 has been completely rewritten and redesigned from the ground up. Version 2024 builds upon what made version 3.0 great and made it miles better in every way. 2024 includes all previously requested features and tons more.

One of many big improvement is the ability to share data across multiple AI (animations, sounds, inverse kinematics, components, animators, and more). This allows users to set up an AI once and then share that data between other animated models, even if those models have not been set up.

Note: Emerald AI 3.0 is not compatible with Emerald AI 2024.

Below are just some of the improves and new features that Emerald AI 3.0 doesn't have:

  • Multi-Component Design - A multi-component design gives developers the flexibility to use only the features they need (through individual components) and allows for an organized and manageable workflow.

  • Improved Workflow - Once you've initially set up an AI, you can share that data between other animated models, even if they have not be set up yet. This improved process allows users to create new AI in a few seconds, instead 5 to 10 minutes per new AI.

  • Improved Code Structure - With the implementation of interfaces, virtual functions, and improved code structure, Emerald AI is far more flexible and easier to modify to create custom functionality.

  • Animation Viewer - An included tool that allows users to quickly see an AI's animations in real-time, right within their scene of the Unity Editor, with a timeline, slider, and various settings. Users can also edit and create Animation Events with this tool. The Animation Viewer has a list of preset Animation Events that auto fills the needed parameters for you.

  • AI Duplicator - An included tool that allows users to copy the settings from one AI and apply them others. This can be all components or a single component. For AI that have the same named bones, this also allows users to copy complex settings such as Inverse Kinematics and all of an AI's ragdoll components and colliders, if desired. This allows many AI to be created in seconds saving tons of development time.

  • Animation Profiles - Objects that hold all of an AI's animations and an Animator. Each time an animation is applied, it updates the attached Animator (so users don't have to apply them manually). They can also be shared across multiple AI.

  • Sound Profiles - Objects that hold all of an AI's sound data so they can be shared across multiple AI.

  • Modular Abilities - Scriptable Objects that allow you to craft your own abilities through various modules. These modules have tons of settings to create a wide range of attacks such as bullets, grenades, teleporting, melee, spells, area of effect, aerial projectiles, ground projectiles, healing, summoning, and so much more.

  • Footsteps - Allows AI to determine which footstep sound and effect should play given the received information. The information is either a Game Object's tag or a list of textures that are received from Unity Terrains.

  • Strafing - The ability for AI to strafe around their targets and generate attacks helping them catch their targets off-guard.

  • Blocking - The ability for AI to detect and block incoming projectiles and melee attacks. This also works for player attacks.

  • Dodging - The ability for AI to detect and dodge incoming projectiles and melee attacks. This also works for player attacks.

  • Recoiling - The ability for an AI's attack to stop if its target is blocking and play a recoiling animation (requires a recoil animation).

  • Weapon Collisions - Allows an AI's weapons to deal damage based on actual collisions, allowing targets and players to physically dodge attacks.

  • Decals Component - Allows users to set decal prefabs that will be spawned and positioned when the AI receives damage. This is intended to be used with Unity URP or HDRP's built-in decal system, but can be used with custom solutions as well.

  • Multiple Weapon Types - Use multiple weapon types; two melee weapons, two ranged weapons, or one ranged and one melee weapon.

  • Debugging Tools - Allows users to see lots of internal functionality to help identify issues and help with development.

  • Inverse Kinematics (IK) - IK has been improved greatly to all use one system that supports, hands, weapons, body, head, and more. It also works with Generic Animation Types.

  • Improved API - Allows all of Emerald AI's API to be categorized, better organized, and easily updated when needed.

  • Improved Demo Scenes - 21 Demo Scenes are included each showcasing a certain feature or functionality. There are lots of included animations with working AI to help users getting started quickly.

  • Improved Animator Controller - The Animator Controller has been completely redone to be far more flexible, allow for proper animation canceling, and improved animation blending between various states. This allows an AI's movement to look and feel incredibly polished. The amount of attack animations has also been increased to 12.

  • Multiple Attack Transforms - Allows users to customize the points that abilities spawn from. This can be the barrel of a gun, a hand from a grenade, or the end of a staff. Multiple points can even be used within a single animation.

  • Customizable Behaviors, Abilities, and Combat Actions - Allows users to write their own scripts that derive from Emerald AI classes to create custom behaviors, abilities, and combat actions.

  • Proper Hit Animation Canceling - Allows any animation state to be canceled by a getting hit animation. Users can even control which animations states are allowed to be canceled through an AI’s Animation Profile.

Last updated

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